
Hand drill jig
Hand drill jig

hand drill jig

For the tightening I used an F clamp and a piece of scrap on the opposite side, so I won’t damage the pine beam when I tighten the clamp. For the ease of positioning the jig, I placed the wood beam that I needed to drill on the edge of the workbench, a little to the inside, so all I had to do was to place the jig on the edge and tighten it against the beam. With the jig ready for the job, I took the drill out of the bench drill and I put it in my battery operated screwdriver / drill (I almost never use the corded drill, since the smaller battery one does almost any job very easily, since it has a double speed gearbox that allows fast drilling speed in wood). Making the jig consists of drilling a hole in a piece of scrap using a drill press

hand drill jig

Before I drilled the hole, I marked the height of the spot where I would like to make the hole, so I wouldn’t have to adjust it for every hole that I would drill in the coat rack.

hand drill jig

After I found a piece that was appropriate for the job, I drilled a hole in it using the 14 mm bit. Actually, I have the smallest available bench drill, so I always have to be careful about the thickness of the pieces that I drill. I had to think if it would fit in the bench drill, since we are talking about a 14 mm thick drill bit, that is quite long for my small bench drill. I searched for a scrap hardwood piece as thick as possible, yet thin enough to fit in my small bench drill. I had to rely on a method that I use to drill holes in the ends of long boards, that I adapted to the current situation. The beech wood rod that I was planning to cut and use as hooks for the coat rack I first thought that I am skilled enough to drill the holes freehand, but I am experienced enough to realize that I simply can’t do such a thing this way: the drill would start wondering around, the angle would be different for each hole, and the position of the holes could not be precise enough. Since it was an unusual coat rack, a very long and heavy one, it was practically impossible to use the bench drill to make the holes for the hooks. I found myself in this situation when I was building a coat rack and I had to drill some angled holes to fit the wooden hooks of the rack. Although you can drill angled holes quite easily using a bench drill, there are times when you simply can’t use one.

Hand drill jig